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6 kinds of methods to clear PVC mill fault

  • 2018-06-17 14:58
  • 萬容機械
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PVC milling machine belongs to the turbine type plastic grinder series. Mainly used in rigid PVC recycling field, such as PVC pipes, profiles, plate of defective goods and leftover bits of material recycling. PVC mill after long time use, also can appear some fault, how to remove the PVC plastic grinder malfunction? Let mechanical milling factory house is summarized below mill fault clearing and use the matters needing attention, to provide the reference for the new and old users.
Clean up the fault:
1, check the lubrication condition of bearing are in good condition, inadequate lubrication should be filling lubricating oil in time, in order to reduce wear and improve the mechanical efficiency.
2, inspect all fasteners for fastening, lest appear safety accident, damage of machine cuts.
3, check whether the drive belt is installed properly and in good condition, if found the belt damaged should be replaced in a timely manner, when there are oil pollution in the belt or sheave, application of clean cloth rub-up, in time to avoid slippage, crushed.
4, check whether the protective device is good, if discover the protective device has safe hidden trouble, should be ruled out in time.
5, check whether there is any material or other sundries on broken cavity, if sometimes should be cleared, to ensure the reasonable grinding clearance.
6, check the hydraulic jacking machine head or whether the top screw back, adjust the gasket is installed correctly and pressure.
Mill in use process matters needing attention:
1, in use process, should be fixed personnel responsible for the supervision, the operator must have a certain technical level. Mill before installation must make the necessary technical training to operators, to understand the principle of mill performance, familiar with the operation procedures.
2, to make the pendulum pulverizer is normal, should be developed equipment "equipment maintenance security operating system" in order to ensure the safe operation of the mill for a long time, at the same time to have the necessary maintenance tools and grease and the corresponding accessories.
3, pendulum pulverizer use after a period of time, should be for maintenance, as well as the roller shovel knife of ring replacement/repair parts processing, such as roller device is in use for connecting bolt and nut should be examined before and after, to see whether there is loose phenomenon, lubricating oils are added.
4, roller device used for more than 500 hours to replace the roller, the roller set inside of the rolling bearing must be clean, the damaged parts should be replaced in a timely manner, refueling tools available manual pumps and grease gun.
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