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  • 2018-06-17

Fully automatic plastic grinder Scope of application: PNMF series crusher is the purpose of the crushing of hard and brittle to high impact plastic, need to final material powder form. Crusher is mainly used for PE, PP, PC, EVA, PS, PES, di...

Modified granulation and masterbatch flour mill Scope of application: PNMF series is the purpose of the mill grinding of hard and brittle high impact plastic, need powder materials in the end. Crusher is mainly used for PE, PP, PC, EVA, PS,...

  • 2018-06-17

PVC plastic grinder Scope of application: PVC milling machine belongs to the turbine type plastic grinder series. Mainly used in rigid PVC recycling field, such as PVC pipes, profiles, plate of defective goods and leftover bits of material...

  • 1頁(yè)3條記錄
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